Maple Leaf Life


Your Home Away From Home

All students and their families want the best high school environment when preparing for university and transitioning into adulthood. With the unique opportunity of attending university preparatory high schools located right on university campuses, we feel that our schools are among the best options for today’s students. 

The Maple Leaf university school model provides a chance for students to develop their leadership skills and discover their true potential. Maple Leaf Schools students can accelerate their learning within a university setting under the guidance of caring school principals, teachers and advisors. Dual credit courses allow our students to receive both high school and first year university credit, giving Maple Leafers a jump start into their university lives.

  • Student Governance

    Maple Leaf World Schools’ Student Unions provide a supervised and guided experience in developing leadership and governing skills and an understanding of the governing process to our students. Student Union representatives take the lead in developing activities including athletic tournaments, theme days, spirit weeks, assemblies, dances, in order to create an atmosphere of invitation and participation for all students. 

  • After School Clubs & Tutorials

    Maple Leaf World Schools provide students with opportunities to get the additional after class help that they may need. Our teachers are available after school each school day for student questions and learning support. Each day after school MLWS also offer vibrant extra-curricular opportunities ranging from coding, to board games, wildlife viewing and basketball. Each of the schools has over 15 clubs reflecting the variety and character in each school. 

  • Field Trips & Excursions

    MLWS provide students with opportunities that have diverse Canadian cultural and geographical experiences. Students have been able to visit Bella Coola, Tofino, Wells Grey Park, Jasper, and Banff in British Columbia and Yellowknife in the North West territories. There they have gone hiking, boating and learning about the geographical qualities of the land.  In the Bella Coola Valley, students were able to meet and spend time with First Nations leaders and learn about the history and culture of Canada’s Indigenous people. Our first cross-school excursion was to Tofino in April 2019. 

  • Healthy Living

    MLWS students have access to a wide range of community and university facilities, such as gymnasiums, tracks, pools and saunas. At all Maple Leaf World Schools students make everyday use of health facilities. Students can swim, relax in a hot tub, play basketball or badminton in the gym, or play soccer. To promote developing healthy morals, Maple Leaf World Schools endeavor to promote the values of respect, responsibility, honesty, and diligence. All our students take membership in our cross-grade House System. Every student is rewarded for demonstrating the values we set out to engender.  

  • Weekend Activities

    There is a long list of activities available to students at Maple Leaf World Schools. Students can choose to participate in sixteen weekend field trips over the duration of the school year. School staff leads trips that include:  Ziplining, skiing/snowboarding, curling, community parades, volunteer opportunities, indoor climbing, sporting events, picnicking, hiking, wildlife viewing and river rafting. 

  • Service Learning

    The ability to recognize the importance of giving back to their communities, is key in the development of MLWS students. Guided by school staff, our students volunteer in their respective communities. Reaching out into the larger community, students participate in mentorship programs for elementary aged students, provide service at homes for the elderly, and support local sporting events with their effort and labor. 

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Maple Leaf North America Ltd.

8771 Lansdowne Road

Richmond, B.C

V6X 3X7

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